Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I recently started work as a Junior 3D Artist at the SAIC Army Game Studio. It's a lot of fun and very challenging, particularly since I was hired to the environment team and I'm primarily a character modeler. Lol. I'm learning a lot though, about everything. It helps to have 10 very enthusiastic and nosey artists peering over your shoulder every time you turn on the computer. Most commonly they open up with, What the hell are you doing?! Good stuff.

In the mean time, have an in-progress shot of a character from Allison Theus at Vigil Games. Her website is here and her Tumblr is here Kinda tempted to turn this into a 3D print as opposed to a game asset. These things have amazing jaws/mouths and I hate to waste them on alpha planes when I can have all their teeth in their needle-like glory with a print!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, I was surprised to run across these. The Peruvian Long Tail model was pretty awesome!
    However, I'd really appreciate it if my personal characters (the Locks) weren't used for a game...
